
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WOEID: Where On Earth IDentifiers - ID

WOEID (Where on Earth IDentifier) adalah angka unik 32 bit yang digunakan Yahoo! untuk mengidentifikasi seluruh tempat di bumi. Gampangnya, setiap angka hanya menunjuk pada satu lokasi di bumi, contohnya WOEID untuk Jakarta adalah 1047378, Bandung adalah 1047180 and Surabaya adalah 1044316. Setiap tempat di bumi memiliki WOEID.

WOEID biasa digunakan pada Yahoo Weather, namun sejalannya waktu, banyak orang menggunakan ini pada aplikasi buatan mereka. Twitter contohnya, mereka menggunakan WOEID pada hasil pencarian Trending Topics, karena secara logika, setiap lokasi memiliki topik yang berbeda untuk di bahas.

Saya tidak ahli dalam urusan geospatial atau hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan WOEID, saya hanya kebetulan sedang mengerjakan aplikasi kecil twitter yang ternyata membutuhkan WOEID ketika mengambil Trending Topics.

Jadi jika anda membutuhkan WOEID, anda bisa mencarinya disini:
1. WOEID untuk worldwide selalu "1"
2. Anda bisa kunjungi
3. Anda juga bisa mengekstrak WOEID dari URL setelah melakukan pencarian di Yahoo Weather.

Semoga tulisan ini mencerahkan :)

WOEID: Where On Earth IDentifier - EN

A WOEID (Where on Earth IDentifier) is a unique 32 bit reference identifier assigned by Yahoo! to identify any feature on Earth. In simple terms, the number points a location in the world, for Example WOEID for Jakarta is 1047378, Bandung is 1047180 and Surabaya is 1044316. Every place in the world has it's own WOEID.

WOEID mainly used on Yahoo Weather, however by the time goes, many people use it on their applications. Twitter for example, they use WOEID on their Trending Topics result, since each location on earth had different Topics to discuss.

I'm not an expert on geospatial things or other related to WOEID, just working on small twitter application that turned out needs WOEID when fetching Trending Topics.

So, If you need WOEID, here is the place to look for it:
1. WOEID for worldwide is always "1"
2. You can visit
3. You can also extract the WOEID in the URL after searching for a city on Yahoo Weather.

Hope this helps someone :)

Installing OpenOffice on Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 12.04 use LibreOffice as it's default office application, it's a great application, and I use it often, but sometimes you found bugs that cannot be tricked and the only way is to use other office application.

In my case, I receive an Microsoft Excell File in .xlsx format and when I open it, comments are all over the place. I search and search on google for solution, however none of them is one click solution on LibreOffice.

So I need to install another alternatives, and OpenOffice is the best alternate. Now, since it's not a default application, you cannot find it Ubuntu Software Center by default. So after googling a while, here is the simplest way to do it. This was taken from:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/office 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openoffice


Batch Image Processing: XnView

Who doesn't know IrfanView on Windows? For me IrvanView is an application that saves me on numerous occasion when using simple image editing on Photoshop or Gimp is totally Time Consuming and not worth the purpose.

I'm not saying Photoshop or Gimp is awful image processing, it's just there are certain circumstances that using both application is too much for simple, but massive processing.

Here is for example. Every week, I receive hundreds of images of transaction need to be processed with certain settings, some are:
1. Put watermark image on every single image
2. Reduce the dpi down to 80% to prevent people print them on high resolution.

Rather than using full-featured (not to mention need high computer spec) application like Photoshop and Gimp, I'm looking as simple as possible application that can do what I wanted.

On Windows, I found IrfanView, but on Linux, I just found XnView.

XnView is a multi platform free application, which means, it available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

I'm not a geek, just common people converting from Windows to Linux, I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS that never been updated since first install, I'm the type of person that "Don't fix things that did not broken" :D

Struggling finding replacement for IrfanView on Linux, I found XnView mentioned on few forums and struggling installing it.

But then, I read on ubuntu forum archive a simple way to install it. Here is the link:

Here is how to install it via command line:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xnview

After install it, you can find the application on the Application List or just type xnview on the command line.

Try it, but don't ask me to help you troubleshoot, I'm as clueless as you in terms of troubleshooting, I'm just a common people pretending to be a geek :P

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