
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tutorial: Install Photoshop on Ubuntu 14.04

This article is based on and I made adjustment and notes based on my own experience.

I have use Ubuntu since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and now Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. As you can see on the original article, this tutorial written for Ubuntu 13.04, but, I have done this many times on Ubuntu 12.04LTS and Ubuntu 14.04LTS without any serious issues (...or not yet found :D ).

What is needed:
1. Internet Connection with huge internet quota (we are gonna need <1GB, but prepare to 1-3GB quota)
2. Install bit torrent client from Ubuntu Software Center. I use Transmission BitTorrent Client.

What you need to know:
1. All command done in Command Line/Console/Terminal. Press CTRL+ALT+T to open it
2. One line of command begins with ~$ thecommand sign
3. Please copy-paste thecommand only, without ~$ sign
4. Do it sequentially
5. Do it on your own risk


Install Wine
1. Add specific repository for wine
     ~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

2. Update your software database
     ~$ sudo apt-get update

3. Install wine
     ~$ sudo apt-get install wine1.5

Change wine prefix
If  we use default wine prefix, then wine will set it's prefix based on the Operating System architecture.
For example, if we use Ubuntu 64bit, then default wine prefix is 64bit.
Once we set wine prefix to an architecture, to 32bit for example, then all installed application on wine should be 32bit.
You cannot install 64bit application on 32bit wine prefix, or vise versa. The installation may runs well, but you will find lots and lots bugs when you runs the application latter on.

1. Delete default wine prefix at /home
     ~$ rm -rf .wine

2. Set wine prefix to your photoshop architecture (I use 32bit)
     ~$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

Install Dependencies Photoshop
Photoshop needs lots of windows library such as Internet Explorer, Visual C, msxml, etc. We need to use winetricks to ease the process.

Winetricks will help us check weather needed library is already installed, if not, it will download and install needed library automatically. Some library need human interaction, but don't worry, it's as simple as clicking Next, next, finnish (you know what I mean :D)

3 steps to use winetricks
1. Download winetricks
     ~$ wget

2. runs winetricks to install libraries
     ~$ sh winetricks -q atmlib gdiplus ie6 vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008 fontsmooth-rgb corefonts msxml3 msxml6 vcrun2010

3. Repeat no 2 above until you see:
     Executing w_do_call vcrun2010
     vcrun2010 already installed, skipping

Copy Windows DLL
Use browser and file manager to do these 2 command
2. Extract, Copy-paste odbc32.dll AND odbcint.dll to .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ on your home directory

Install Photoshop
Finally, Installing Photoshop. For those who has the CD you can simply right click on setup.exe and choose Open with wine windows loader, then do the install process like you did on windows.

Run winetricks once more to make sure windows fonts are loaded.
     ~$ winetricks fontsmooth-rgb

To run Photoshop, you can use desktop shortcut or through Terminal
     ~$ wine '/home/namakamu/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Photoshop.exe'

Hope this help someone, and dont forget to leave your comments below, cheers... :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Earn $5000 easily per month with Adfly detailed information is a site which allows you to shorten your URL, it is no different from and However it does differ because they have ad twist. When ever someone opens the short url there is a 5 second frame which shows an ad. The timing is very short and thus majority of the people using this service don’t mind the wait in return for using the system.


Traffic is targeted by country
It is very cheap: 4$-8$ per 1000 unique views (see detailed payout rates here)
Despite the low prices there is some conversion

What is URL shorteners?

URL shorteners can be used to shorten long URLs (please also note that you may shorten virtually any URL you want to, the URL does not have to be long!).

So how much money can you can you make with Adfly? It's a good question. The amount of money you can make with your links depends on where the people who click your links are located.

How much money can I make?

The average rate of pay is $4.00 per thousand clicks. $4.00 may sound small, but just think for a second. How many people use Facebook? Over 500 million people use Facebook on a daily basis. If you could get even a small portion of Facebook users to click on your links, you could be earning a tidy amount of money. A great way to attract lots of users to click on your links is to set up a Facebook group. Many of these groups have more than a million users - so if you get your thinking cap on, you can make good money very quickly!!!. You can also make more money by making videos and post them to Youtube and leave a link in the description.

You can also earn much money by bringing referrals. Personally I have earned more money from my refs than from other ways (learn how to get hundreds of referrals easily)

Payments has an easy to reach payment threshold, so once you have earned $5.00 on your account, your earnings will automatically be paid into your PayPal or Payoneer account. If you don't have a Paypal or Payoneer account don't despair, they're both free to join and simple to use.

How to Get Traffic For your Links:

Now the question is that how we can get traffic for our links and get more money. So for this there a lot of tips and tricks to get traffic to your links which are given below:

NOTE: If you have problems with adfly links being blocked in certain sites (ex. facebook) you can use refban shortener HERE

Millions of people use Facebook everyday, so Facebook is the best way to post your links and publish them. (see tutorial here)

Get some followers on twitter and post your links there so your followers can click on these links. (guide1) (guide2)

You can also use for your links by uploading videos. (see tutorial here)

Publish pictures of popular content with links of youw website. (see tutorial here)

5. Make a Website
You can make a free website (blog or free google site) and post your links on the website with your content. (see tutorial here) (see automated system here)

6. Ask your Friends
Ask your friends to follow the links on your website.

7. Use Forums
Write posts or comments on forums to promote your links and website.

8. Bring Referrals
Referrals can really boost your earnings. You will receive 20% of their earnings and 5% from the money they spend on advertising with adfly. Learn how to get hundreds of referrals easily HERE

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Uang dari

Anda punya blog? Bisa dimanfaatkan untuk cari dollar. Salah satunya adalah  dollar dari dengan begitu mudah. Caranya hanya dengan mempersingkat url/link yang kita miliki di situs, kemudian kita copy dan pada saat ada orang yang mengklik link tersebut maka kita akan dikasih komisi dollar. Yaaa meskipun jumlahnya tidak gede tapi itu pun sudah cukup untuk membuat kita semangat mengupdate postingan blog kita.

Untuk memulai tentu saja harus daftar dulu  silakan buat akun dulu klik disini.

Cara Kerja

Setelah anda memiliki akun di, silakan login dulu. Upload file untuk di download atau postingan menarik yang digemari banyak orang. Selanjutnya kita mempersingkat link dengan situs,

Caranya adalah :
copy alamat url yang akan dipersingkat link-nya kemudian pastekan pada kolom shorten link

Selanjutnya klik Shrink, maka alamat url yang kita pastekan tadi akan diganti dengan link pendek.

Link inilah yang dapat disebarluaskan melalui postingan atau mengirimkannya kepada teman-teman sobat, juga bisa di posting di web, blog maupun di forum forum atau juga bisa sobat gunakan untuk blogwalking di buku tamu blog atau situs orang, yang penting banyak orang yang ngeklik.

Nanti setiap orang yang mengklik link pendek tersebut anda dapat komisi, semakin banyak yang menklik semakin banyak komisinya.Perhitungannya adalah  $4 (sekitar Rp. 32.000,-) per 1000 visitor/kunjungan dan bisa di ambil setelah $5. Kemudian uangnya akan dikirimkan ke akun Paypal, Payza, atau Liberty Reserve yang anda miliki.

Selain dari visitor, kita juga dapat duit dari referal. Maksudnya, setiap member yang mendaftar melalui kita maka setiap ada visitor ke link-nya dia, kita akan dapat duit juga dan begitu seterusnya. Selain itu kan ini adalah usaha sampingan, dan kalo pengen sukses ya berarti harus kerja extra keras dong. Tapi gak ada salahnya kan nyoba, sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit.

Cara Daftar di

  1. Klik Di Sini untuk mengunjungi situs
  2. Klik Join Now
  3. Isi semua form yang diminta (nama, email, password, centang I agree to…)
  4. Kemudian klik tombol Submit
  5. Setelah itu buka email kamu, kemudian klik link verifikasi yang diberikan oleh
  6. Silahkan Log in, masukkan email dan password
  7. Mulailah mempersingkat URL dan dapatkan uang

Dapat Uang Dollar Dari Dengan Blog
Cara menggunakannya sangat mudah, cukup pilih link yang ingin kamu persingkat. Boleh link apa saja, terserah kamu ^^ bisa link situs jejaring sosial mu atau blogmu atau link situs lain. Setelah link sudah ada, masukkan link nya ke kemudian klik Shrink!

Sekedar tips, saya memasang link ini pada setiap link download yang saya share pada blog saya.

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